
Friday, June 20, 2008

What a Broadband Phone Really Is

You may have heard the terms broadband phones,internet phones, or even voice over internet protocol, but do you really know what they mean or how they work? With the gaining popularity of these on line communication tools, you should understand exactly what these things really are and how they do what they do.

Broadband phone actually uses voice over internet protocol (VoIP) to carry phone calls through the internet. This is an alternative way to transmit the call to the traditional telephony network. To say it another way, the calls go through the internet instead of traveling through traditional phone lines.

How does it work, though? The VoIP, when you place a broadband phone call, converst your voice into what can be best described as tiny digital packages. These packages are fired over the internet and then changed back to the signals necessary for the receiver to transmit them in language that you understand as the voice on the other end.

To get a broadband phone, you do have some options. A hardware broadband telephone uses an adapter. You connect this hardware to the router on your network or to your PC directly. Another option is software. The broadband software is a program that makes broadband calls.

This technology is being called the future of communications. Such hype is sending communications companies into a frenzy as they race to offer it so as not to get left in the dust as more and more of the public drops traditional phone service for broadband phones. Companies that fail to get in on the broadband call business risk going the way of the dodo. With that in mind, many of the companies are already offering VoIP technology, and every day more are joining in.

The reason the broadbad phone companies are so popular is that they can be done cheaper than traditional phone services. You see, because the calls bypass regulary Telco tolls, the companies using broadband can offer much lower rates. This is particularly true on long distance calls, making them similar to cell phones in that sense. While currently the broadband phone services may not offer quite as much reliability and quality as traditional phone lines, the technology is improving almost constantly and wont be far behind. For the money, though, the internet is already showing itself as the way to go to save on phone service.

If you decide that going with one of the many broadband phone companies is the way you want to go, then you will need to make sure you have a couple of things so that your transition to cheaper phone calls will be smooth. First, you will need to make sure you have a good reliable broadband internet service in your home. You will next need a telephony adapter installed. You will be plugging your home phone into the telephony adapter which will then plug into your cable or DSL modem with a network cable. Since internet connections are reliant on the modem which is powered by electricity, you will lose your phone service if you lose power. One thing you may want to consider, since you wont lose your cables function with an electricity loss, is to get some sort of power source you can plug into the modem in case of a power outage. Get all of that together, call the company of your chose, and you will be using the internet to make your phone calls before you know it.

Christopher M. Luck has over 13 years experience in dealing with broadband phones and is now offering his free professional broadband phone advice to the public. If you are at all interested in Christopher's professional broadband advice, tips, or secrets, you can visit his broadband blog

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